Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Going wireless!

Suzanne at her bed on Sara Ward with the flowers and cards we've gotten. In fact, not even all the flowers would fit in the photo! Thanks to everyone- it makes the space much brighter.

Yesterday Olivia made what I think is a huge step (we'd been anticipating it, so not a surprise, but it feels really good all the same): She's off the monitors! No more little machine that goes "ping" when we pick her up and move the sensor, no more baby attached to the wall by wires, no being careful not to pull on the wires, and no more wires to sort out during nappy changes! This feels like such a big step because it is the wires that, literally and figuratively, connected her to the hospital. She still has the nasogastric tube, and will probably for some time yet, but that's something we can deal with, and will come out in time.

She was also weighed yesterday, and she's growing fast! 4 pounds 1 ounce, so back up above her birth weight! As a result, since her feeds are calculated by weight, her feedings were upped by 2 ml to 34 ml every 3 hours. Sometime, see if you can find something that measures out 30 ml, and think of the size of Olivia, and imagine putting that volume inside her little tummy. It's really quite amazing that she can absorb such a lot!

But I've left the best news for last; we anticipate (hope hope hope) that Olivia will be able to leave SCBU and graduate to Sara Ward today! This means that she will stay by Suzanne's bed and we can be with her all the time- we're excited about that! Tune in tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel, for pictures of her graduation ceremony. Speaking of which, I'd better stop writing about it and get over there so I don't miss it.


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