Friday, November 11, 2005

More relaxed

Here at home, we can relax much more while Olivia sleeps. Of course there's more to do with giving her some food via tube than there would normally be with a newborn, and of course she's on her own schedule, but we can work around her schedule much better than at the hospital. Including, as shown here, getting a little reading in!

We're still working on breastfeeding. Or was that beastfeeding? Sometimes I miss the typos I make... fortunately there are editors in the blogosphere audience. From an email from Ed (Waddington, my thesis advisor and proofreader extraordinaire):

"I am a bit puzzled though, about "beastfeeding" (October 27) [I've gone back and corrected it -bob]. Isn't it a bit early to turn Olivia into a ravenous carnivore? And where do you find the beasts? Does Olivia have to catch her own? Is she quick enough on her feet for a successful hunt?"

Actually, she is rather quick on her feet. She would normally catch her own but being born a little early means she needs a little assistance with the hunt. She can get small beasts by herself, but in order to grow to her potential she needs some larger, more fierce beasts as well. So we take these ones out ourselves and feed them to her via the tube.

We had another home visit today, this one from the community midwife and a student midwife. It's really nice to have so much support at home when we arrive with a new baby. Next visit is the "Health Visitor" although we're not sure exactly what this is (I suppose if we'd been brought up British we'd simply _know_).

And Tina and Steve will be back this evening, Kathy Coit Monday, and Betsey, Michael, and Olivia's cousin William will be arriving sometime next week. Loads of visitors- wahoo!


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