Sunday, February 26, 2006

18 weeks - New visitor!

Olivia hit 18 weeks this week, and 4 months old (10 weeks past her EDD) on February 22! She is such a great big girl, and such a sack of sugar - we're having the time of our lives with our loveable bundle of joy.
Olivia is continuing with great big smiles for all. She loves to talk, she'll hold little animated conversations with you. She has also begun to deliberately reach out to touch things you hold in front of her - especially if they have a face.
She had her last 'jabs', or inoculations for her first year this week too. sigh. It was another difficult evening for her. Even with a dose of paracetamol, she was very uncomfortable, and therefore cryey, for most of the evening. It ended up being the best night of sleep Suzanne had had for a long time, though. Probably because both she and Olivia were completely wiped out from the stressful evening! and the stressful visit to the well-baby clinic for the jabs. Suzanne always starts feeling warm and queasy if she's there for too long - we think it's all the crying babies. Also, Olivia has started responding to crying babies. She pokes out her lower lip which starts to quiver and scrunches uo her eyes, and lifts her little face and starts to whimper, which can turn into crying pretty quickly if the situation doesn't change. This is a new thing for Olivia - crying for an emotional rather than a purely physical reason.

Our good friend Lori from Seattle (we hope the rest of the family will be able to come next time too!) was able to pay us a very welcome visit this weekend due to (you guessed it!) a business trip to London. She and Olivia got on very well together - we all had a good time. Here they are using the tried and true exercise ball.
Cambridge showed off with a bright, sunny (if chill and breezy!) day, so we took a long walk at Fowlmere reserve a short drive away - Olivia sleeping snugly in her sling the whole way.


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