Sunday, February 05, 2006

The smiley girl in the stripey suit! (@15 weeks!)

Grandma left this thursday, so now we're busy figuring out how to do everything again without all the help she so generously gave us- thanks Barb! Here's a picture of Olivia smiling at daddy! She spends a lot more time like this these days- the biggest change over the last week or two is that the difference between her sleeping and waking times is becoming more pronounced; when she's awake, she's interested in the world around, and interacting with us and various things around the house that are interesting to look at. Her favorites lately: The Whoozit (see the December 12 post- it's hanging off dad's left ear...), Jester the Giraffe, a photo of Suzanne and Olivia the day after whe was born, and the Calendar Man- a sort of puppet given to Suzanne several Christmasses ago that hangs by the calendar.

Here's the 15 week picture with the Duck. We don't konw how much she weighs this week because we never made it in to the "well baby clinic" to get her weighed. Stay tuned though, we'll get a weight next week...


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