Tuesday, April 25, 2006

26 weeks, 6 months- looking up!

Olivia turned exactly 6 months old and exactly 26 weeks on March 22, Saturday. She's getting so much stronger now! Here, she's having 'tummy time'. Since babies sleep on their backs these days, it's a good idea to have them lie on their tummies during the day to build the upper body strength for crawling. Until recently, we more correctly called it 'face time' because she wasn't able to lift her head up like this, and so was kind of lying face down, not liking it that much! It's nice to be done with that.

Here's Olivia's 6 onth/26 week picture with the Duck. Her feet are a bit cut off here, but this was a better shot than the one we had with her feet in it!

Another thing (not actually related to 6 months/26 weeks, just co-incident) is that I (dad, Bob) am away right now for the longest stretch so far. I'm in Svalbard doing glaciological field work (or trying to, anyway- take a look at my fieldwork blog at http://coldclimes.blogspot.com to see how much luck we're having!). So this is a difficult time, for me to be away from them for so long, and for Suzanne to have to do everything by herself for the 10 days I'm gone. I'm sure we'll both be ready for me to take over as much as I can for a while when I get back!


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