Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sociable Climber

Forget all that crawling stuff! Olivia is much more interested in standing. She has been pulling herself up regularly in the last couple of days. It is no longer surprising to see her pull herself up on the edge of the tub, or on our pantlegs. She would climb if she could; one leg is always bending up, toes searching for that next purchase.

Olivia enjoys other babies and people - but largely from a safe distance. She is very mama-oriented right now. She doesn't much like me to leave her at all. If I try to leave her in a room with other people I get a crabby face and arms outstretched. Bob gets this sometimes too. Yesterday, she woke up quietly in the living room in the carseat and Bob was the first to respond. I ended up holding her when she came out, and Bob began to leave the room - she criiieeed. I had to hurry up the stairs to follow Bob and gave Olivia to him at the top - happy baby. Happy Papa.

She has moved on from the scrunchy-face phase to a _very_ cute 'tilt-my-head-and-look-sweetly' phase. Often she lays her head against our shoulder or chest when doing this and smiling. If she is on her own, she will tilt her head toward her own shoulder. Soooo adorable. Even after a night of waking up every 1-1/2 hours...


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