Monday, March 31, 2008

Beautiful pretender

Long time no post! We've been extrordinarily busy lately, what with various travels, travel planning, _move_ planning, getting horrible flu/colds (all three of us), and everything else... you know how it goes.

But I wanted to put in another post about Olivia's pretend play. It's gotten very elaborate! Here, she had set her 2 chairs up to be a bicycle, and brought Suzanne over to help once she's set it up. She explained that they needed to get on the bicycle to go and visit papa at work! so they got on their helmets and went for a ride.

Another moment to share: often, when we see bollards in the sidewalk with Olivia, we'll help her vault over them while saying the nursery rhyme "Jack be nimble, jack be quick...". Today as we walked along, she saw a row of bollards, and went up to each one of them and blew at the top of it. It took just a moment for Suzanne to realize she was blowing out the candlestick!

These, I just wanted to include because she's so beautiful. Sure I'm biased, but then I'm allowed, and heck- this is her blog anyway!