Monday, January 26, 2009

A brief vignette...

So, I know we've hardly posted at all lately, but better short, snappy posts than none at all...

Our little girl has been growing, physically and personality-wise. A few weeks ago she _really_ wanted a cookie, and I was surprised to find that she knew how to, and was physically able to, drag a chair from the dining room into the living room, get up on it, open one of the _upper_ kitchen cabinets, and point to the high, high shelves where the cookies are (fortunately she hadn't figured out about climbing up onto the counter, or at least she hasn't let on...).

Here's a brief exchange which shows perhaps quite a bit:

Bob: "Olivia, it's time to get your pants on."
Olivia: "uh-uh me want to get pants on" (her syntax for "I don't want")
Bob: "hmm. what does this mean?"
Olivia: "We at Impasse."
Bob: "well, we really need to get going" (picks Olivia up)
Olivia: "Unhand me!!"

I kid you not these are her exact words...

anyway, it continues to be a wonderful adventure, even if we've been less prolific about posting!


Blogger kisimyran said...

I love this! Please update Olivia's blog more, we'd love to get the latest news!
Love from the twins in Finland (and their mama!)

10:32 PM  

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