Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Day Out

The other day, we went to Fulbourn Fen with Wim and Lyra. It was clear, cold and a beautiful day to be out and about. Olivia and Lyra outdid themselves with running after each other and doing almost all their own walking(Good news for us as Olivia has had a growth spurt and now weighs over 38 lbs!).
Olivia likes playing peek-a-boo, and had fun popping out at Bob from behind a tree. "Boo!"

We haven't had much rain lately, so the walk wasn't _too_ muddy, but Olivia was still reluctant to step off this bridge into the mud while Wim and Lyra watch. She signs "cow" to papa, "Poop!". I did end up lifting her across to the grass since she just wasn't quite willing to step into a puddle of what she thought looked like cow poop. We _do_ see alot of cow and sheep poop around here. The mounds in the field are mole hills though. Honestly.

Olivia and Lyra did eventually give in to tired legs and opt for a ride. "Baby!" said Olivia, wanting to be cradled like Lyra. What sweet girls.


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