Thursday, November 17, 2005

The incredible growing girl

Olivia happily asleep in the sling. This is the first of several anticipated sling carriers, and she seems to like it just fine! This particular model is the original Freedom Sling by Freedom Slings, a home-based business run by Margaret in Scotland- you can get her products on ebay. The great thing about it is that since she really likes to be held and carried, we can do that and still have both hands free to, say, type a blog entry, as I'm doing now with her snuggled close to me in the sling. Other great things we can do include picking up the house (or at least stuff strewn around the house), dishes, laundry, not to mention the perhaps obvious walks. This morning I took her on a nice long walk to give Suzanne an extra hour of much-needed sleep (she later said it had felt like just 5 minutes), and she dozed away peacefully in the sling under my jacket. A cold, clear morning, with some sun- quite nice!

But I digress again. The main big news of this post is that Olivia is a monster that is growing so fast she will probably take over the world! the Community Neonatal team came by again this morning and weighed her, and she's now 2.4 kilos, or about 5 pounds 5 ounces! This means that over the past three days, she's gained 60 grams per day, all via breastfeeding. So she (and Suzanne) must be doing something right! In spite of all the milk she seems to spit up (sometimes alarmingly through her nose!), plenty seems to be getting in for her to grow on. She's gaining even faster than when she had the tube in!

So, chalk up another one for mother nature and motherhood!


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