Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A whole day with no tube...

Here's Olivia dressed up for a little walk we took today (isn't it amazing that she can go for a walk while sound asleep?). Featured are the nice coat from Aunt Betty and Uncle Jim, and the perfectly-sized hat from Grandma Barb. It's tough to find hats the right size, and Barb knitted 2 great custom fit little hats for her.

So the tube has been gone for a whole day - and it's been great! You remember a couple of posts ago when I detailed all that needed to be done to give her a feeding via the tube? Well, we don't need to do that anymore... As long as she continues to feed well, which all indications are that she sure is (given the output, the input must be quite a lot if you know what I mean). We're still carefully watching how much time she spends eating, and since she's still so little we wake her up if she goes too long without having a meal, since she might not wake herself and if she goes too long she won't have energy to feed. So we still aren't to the point of the "normal" baby regime (not sure what that would be anyway- is there a "normal"?), but it's great to be making good progress. The real proof of things will come Thursday when Jeanette will come back and weigh her. We'll be excited to hear the results of that. With any luck whe'll have broken the 5-pound mark, although she's still too small for many of the clothes labeled "up to 3 pounds". Whatever. Well, stay tuned for another weight report in the next couple of days!


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