Friday, April 06, 2007

Olivia Walks!

Real walking! She's made the one-step-and-collapse moves before, letting go of the table, chair, wall, or whatever. But about a week ago she was so stable on her way down the hall (along the wall) as I was following her, that I thought all she needed was a reason. So I called Suzanne in to the living room, sat down on the floor a few feet away, and pretty much pointed Olivia at Mom and let her walk right over! It was great. Then she walked back to me, and back to Suzanne, and along the way I managed to grab the camera so we could get some footage. Hopefully this shows up well- it was a very exciting day!

Since then, she's walking more and more, though still not more than 6-8 feet before plonking down on her knees or bottom. But the best thing is how proud and satisfied she looks when (and after) she walks. It's such a joy to see.


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