Monday, October 01, 2007

Olivia Update

Hurrah! for tomato soup!

Well, Olivia's doing great in general. Specifically, we're all slightly under the weather with some vague, nondescript malaisey yuck. It seems to be causing Olivia (so Bob and me too) to be sleeping poorly many nights. Discouraging, as Olivia had a long run of not nursing during the night in the first part of September. We're all tired. Olivia and I took a long nap this afternoon. Bob is upstairs putting her to bed right now. I haven't heard anything for a long time, so I think he may have fallen asleep too!

Olivia got her first pair of wellies the other day. I would have gotten some earlier for hopping in puddles, but it was hard to find a pair that fit over her squeezable calves.
Olivia has been talking more. Sometimes she sound like she's stringing together sentences. Yesterday, when I was gone for a few hours, Bob was sure she said "I want Mama", or "I wah mama", at least! 'Quiche' was a big word for her a few weeks ago, when we were eating it alot. 'Wow' is a big favorite right now. "WwwOww!" Other new ones, 'mummy(to my mild chagrin), nipple, hop. Hm, can't think of any others right now. She's 15kg and over 34 inches tall. She loves horses and trains. She loves to be played with and hold hands. She's beautiful.


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