Saturday, July 21, 2007

Le train! Le train!

Here is one of the floats Olivia was _very_ excited about at the Rockport parade. Train! Train! she kept signing long after it had rounded the corner and disappeared. I realized I should blog again about Olivia's speech after her aunt Kristen asked whether these things that Olivia keeps 'saying' are spoken or signed. The majority of words that she uses are still signed. She is experimenting with verbalizing more and more though. Here are her more recognizable spoken words...
behbow or bow(elbow), bah(ball), bapa or papa(papa), dah(dog), ca(t), zthatth(that), moo(cow and cow milk), woo(woof), she also whinnies for a horse, and snorts for a pig.

Other sort of updatey things about Olivia are that she has been drinking alot of cow milk lately (moo), sometimes preferentially over breastmilk.
As you can see in this picture, she is becoming interested in gymnastics recently. This headstand sometimes turns into what looks like would like to become a somersault. She can 'stand on one leg!' and 'now stand on the other leg!' while holding my hands. She also likes to bend her knees and try to jump, though she often bends them so far that she ends up sitting down instead! :-D


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