Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh, What a Busy Summer!

It feels like we have been on the go even when we haven't been on the go this summer because time at home has mostly been spent recovering from and getting ready for various travels. Olivia has been a champ through it all though, and even when tired often remains cheerful until she finally just zonks out. Grandma caught this charming picture of Olivia during one of our moments at home in August. We have barely had blocks of more than a week at a time at home this summer - each time, Olivia seems simply delighted to be surrounded by her familiar toys and everything.
After we returned from the U.S., we had a couple of weeks in Cambridge before Bob left for a 3-week field season in Greenland. Olivia's Grandma Steffens came to spend that time with Olivia and mama - and was immediatley incorporated as a member of Olivia's 'pack'. She and Olivia had a great time getting to know each other as we traveled to Stratford-Upon-Avon for a few days, then down to Sidmouth on the coast near Exeter for a week of relaxation. Olivia had a good time on the long train rides, walking up and down the cars, charming other passengers, though naps don't come easily on the train so it is tiring travel...

Olivia and Grandma get excited about a performer juggling on a unicycle in the park in Stratford. Notice a family resemblance?

Next, she absolutely _had_ to have a ride on the beautiful carousel horses - so exciting! I explained to her that when we got on, we would have to stay on until it stopped, but as soon as it started moving up and down, around and round, she had big second thoughts, signing 'milk, milk, milk' and 'down, down, down'! As soon as we got off she wanted another go, of course! If ever you are there, look for her horse, "Victoria".


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