Saturday, November 17, 2007

Let's Talk About Two

Olivia is amazing in more than one sense of the word. She is a fast learner. She has been doing a great job of riding her little bike, but today Bob suggested that she pick up her feet, and now she can balance for a fraction of a second as she paddles along then picks up her feet. She spent a long time on her bike this morning trying out her new skills.

Sometimes, she seems to resist learning and leaves no doubt that she has a will of her own. This evening, getting onto the toilet, she touched the inside of the toilet. In summation, I said 'no' with an explanation and she promptly stuck all four fingers in her mouth. 'No, yuck!', wash her hands with soap, and she promptly sticks all four
soapy fingers of both hands in her mouth. Right. 'Does that taste _good_ Olivia?' Shake head 'no'. 'Then, _why_ are you doing it??!' Sticks fingers in mouth again. sigh...
All this, as she is sitting on the toilet doing one of the things she does best right now; going on the toilet. She does a great job of telling us when she has to go, and often really prefers to go on the toilet - so we spend _alot_ of time putting on and taking off nappies and sitting on the toilet/edge of the bath reading Christmas catalogues. It has sure cut down on the poopy nappies though!


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