Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Learning Curve & Fun Developments

words: "wawa" for water, bumpy,
signs: beautiful, friend, happy,
avg nappies used per day: 2! :-)

Somehow, I always seem to learn pertinent details after acting on a lack thereof. After buying Olivia a taller potty, I read about how squatting is actually the healthiest position for pooping. Well, Olivia likes both her potties and alternates between them. She is becoming a master of their use, though, and really only goes not in a potty when she is wearing a nappy. I try to leave her nappy-free when we are in a home and we've had a couple outings to the grocery store. It just means that sometimes we're moving from the vegetable aisle to the toilets pretty quickly!
We had a little xmas party at our house Sunday, and so Bob's and my attention was largely elsewhere alot of the time. I had dressed her in a very short dress (only) so that she'd be free and easy when it came to potty use and this seemed to pay off because half the time she went to her potty and sat down without even informing us first. In fact, at one point, Bob and I were both in the kitchen when Bob walked into the hall and met Olivia going the other direction, potty bowl in hand on her way to the bathroom to dump it out. Nobody in the living had even noticed that she'd used it! Bravo, Olivia!
The feeling of accomplishment is tempered a bit by the fact that I've been reading lately about "Natural Infant Hygiene" ("Diaper Free" by Ingrid Bauer), and realize that we could have avoided the whole toilet-training issue, not to mention a whole lot of nappies! Ah well. Hindsight, and all that...


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