Sunday, June 17, 2007

Girl on Wheels!

One great thing about living in Cambridge is that Olivia _knows_ that what grown-ups do is go off on thier bike in the morning to work. She's very excited about bikes, and generally likes to ride in her bike seat. Lately she's been interested in climbing aboard and steering herself! We just got her a little trainer-bike, more pics of that soon.

She also loves to ride in the wheelbarrow. Pushes it too! What was really funny was when she wanted to push _me_ in it... I kind of had to help.

So, I've been wanting to tell this story about Olivia for some time now- I think this happened a few weeks ago: Olivia woke up very early in the morning, around 4 or so, and sat up, asking (in sign) for milk. I carefully explained to her that it was still night time and that night time was for sleeping, and that when it got light out and was day time, then she could have some milk. She listened carefully, and nodded from time to time, understanding. Then she pushed me over and clambered over me to where Suzanne was lying, taking matters into her own hands!


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